Alone again, naturally

Joe and Michelle left yesterday.  This morning came the first crisis.  The coffee was AWOL.  I looked everywhere, tearing into lockers (found some interesting foodstuffs) even looking in the depths of the fridge thinking that the bag of coffee got somehow dumped in there by accident.  There was nearly a mutiny on board, and since I”m the only one here it would have been epic.

Left leg:  You walk the plank.

Right leg:  No, YOU walk the plank.

I had kind of wondered why that 1 kg plastic container of Tiffin Natural Greek Probiotic Yoghurt (Extra Thick and Creamy) was sitting on the counter instead of being in the fridge where it seemingly belonged.  I had been moving it around looking for the bag of coffee.  I finally opened it, and there was the coffee.  Apparently Joe or Michelle had repurposed the yoghurt container for the coffee.  Mutiny averted.

Left leg:  Ok, I’ll let you live, this time.

Right leg:  Back ‘atcha.

I spent some time yesterday moving forward into the executive suite (the v-berth) where I now have *two* fans to cool my heated brow.  Not to mention a large hatch for ventilation.  I was going to shore for more beer but the rain clouds looked like they were headed this way from the north.  They were.  Felt so smart for staying in the boat.

Got the Sony stereo to accept Bluetooth from my phone, so Boz Skaggs inaugurated my first night alone.  It would have been ABBA’s Dancing Queen, since that’s the first song alphabetically in my phone, but by the time I got through figuring out the SONY system I was down to Boz.  (Don’t take it personal that you weren’t my first choice, Boz)  (Btw, the default PIN number for Sony Bluetooth speakers is 0000.  You’re welcome.). And while we’re on that subject, why does SONY think their speakers need a PIN number anyway?  Internet terrorists gonna hack some rando’s Bluetooth speakers and launch missiles or something?

Left leg:  Dave’s cranky this morning.

Right leg:  The coffee hasn’t kicked in.

Left leg:  Oh, yeah

Right leg:  You’re welcome.

Time to brew another cup. 


  1. Alone again…naturally 🎶

  2. Coffee cleverly disguised as yogurt. Trying to catch up on the blog. Funny stuff!


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