Amelia Earhart was here

 So the plane from Nadi to Savusavu was a 19-seater build in oh, 1902.  There were three total victims, I mean passengers.  The co-pilot gave us a thirty-second safety chat then went forward.  As we hit the taxiway, the pilot turned around and gave me a ‘thumbs-up’ signal.  I didn’t know if this meant ‘We’re going to live’ or ‘We actually have fuel’ or ‘Are you ready?’  I made the executive decision that it was the last and gave him a thumbs-up back.  He smiled and decided to once again fly the plane.

Baggage storage on Fiji Link.  That’s my duty-free scotch in the purple bag.

My view of the escape hatch.  Note the red plastic protecting the door handle…right at my knee…didn’t anyone warn these people about me?

Da plane, boss, da plane.  If you squint real hard in the upper right you can read ‘Orville Wright wuz here’

Ok, enough of the plane.  How’s the view?

The approach to Savusavu was socked in tight.  I didn’t think we would land.  But we did, I’m here.  Had lunch, beer, swim and blog updates.  Now time for nap.  Enjoy the snow, WEHACB.


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