Anchored off Namena

The Namena Barrier Reef.  It’s a marine sanctuary about 20 miles south of Savusavu.  First swim yesterday resulted in botched camera settings for the Apeman.  The videos were crisp, but all had this bluish tinge that really washed out the colors.  It was overcast, and there is a ‘cloudy’ setting in the camera that I will try today.  We’re going in dinghies with a neighboring boat around the island, so I hope the new settings work.

It’s like swimming in an aquarium.  The variety of species is mind-boggling for someone used to pike and walleye.  Imagine swimming through a school of several hundred iridescent fish the size of teaspoons.  They aren’t intimidated by humans at all, it seems.

Saw two rays on the floor about 35 feet down.  They weren’t real big - dinner plate size.  Though I had them on camera but my aim was off slightly.  Oh well, there will be more, I’m sure.


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