Apeman across the water

My little Apeman sports action camera is proving its worth in spades.  It took a few dives to iron out the white balance and some other settings but now they seem to be pretty true.  I tried a helmet mount but found that most of the time the camera was on the waterline.  So I went to a wrist mount.  Still having problems with the swells; I float up and down and the camera moves in and out making for a pretty disorienting video.  Unless it’s happy hour and you’ve had multiple G&Ts.  

Still anchored off Namena Island in the marine preserve.  Staring out at a rookery of frigate birds and some other unidentified white species.  There are boobies here too, just not the kind Bill appreciates.

Invited the folks on Fandango over for Mexican dinner last night.  Michelle made burritos with some kind of fake meat that were really delicious.  Many glasses of Talisker.  

AND - I was telling bits of my story with Captain Bill in Panama and how I ended up catching a ride through the canal with a boat named ‘Panamax.’  Ian from Fandango went “We met them!  From Quebec.  Teenaged boy with a drone and those two cute little girls?”  Turns out they crossed paths in the Marquisas during the Pacific crossing.  Ok, now THAT’S a coincidence.


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