Gooooooooooood Morning, Savusavu!

It’s dawn.  I’m up.  I’m shirtless. It’s beautiful.  Not because I’m shirtless.

First impressions:  Oh, yeah.  I’m into this big time.  Had lunch at the Planter’s Club.  Chicken stir-fry.  Absolutely delicious.  $4 US.  Had a freshly-baked chicken pot pie for supper on the boat.  Delicious.  Everything here is freshly made.  And they seem to have everything, too.  It’s not under one roof like a Walmart, but you can walk down the street and duck into little shops (most of which are immaculate) and find what you need.  Beer here is cheap and good.  Drinking Fiji Bitter last night.  A pint is @2.5 US.  Rough calculation:  I can eat and drink well on $10 US/day.  The one-pot meals may be shelved while we’re moored.

Now the sidewalks are a little third world.  Maybe second world.  Random concrete slabs interspersed with ramps and weird steps.  Some of the storefronts look a little rough, but the contents make up for it.  Let’s put it this way:  Hancock has better sidewalks, but Savusavu has a multitude of little shops and no vacant storefronts.  

Aha!  Sun just peeked up over the trees.  Feels good.  Cant wait to go swimming.

Ok, the hat thing.  I had read that when going to the villages one does not wear a hat out of respect for the chief.  Apparently that pertains to shops in town, too.  There are even signs on the doors.  No one has said anything about sunglasses yet, tho.

Morning in Savusavu

Last night 


  1. Dave - testing your change to accepting comments, looks like it works. EKN

  2. Thanks, Ellie. I was wondering if anyone was reading.

  3. Oh Crap! EKN is Eric. I’m sorry. Ellie still a no-show.

  4. Beautiful! Sooooo jealous!

  5. Calm waters! Promise you will send the cyclone weather photos too😜


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