I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat…

Those immortal lines.  Was it Roy Schneider or Richard Dreyfuss?  Can’t remember.  All I know is that I was floating about 20 years behind Peregrine when the biggest shark in the world swam below me on the bottom.  It looked up at me and was licking it’s lips.  Time stood still.  We stared at each other for what seemed like eternity then I flipped him the bird.  Apparently FOAD translates into shark, too.  He clearly saw that I was the alpha male in the area and wanted no part of a confrontation.  Good move, Dieter. (I told Janis I would name my first shark after her husband.).  American exceptionalism triumphs again!

Ok, it was a little reef shark.  There were actually two, but I only got one on video.  I still have both legs, last time I looked.

Upper LHC

Nine o’clock


  1. Keep those legs Dave!😅~M.P. (Marnie's signature from now on)

  2. 🤣 Dietah the Shark! Tom and I are getting caught up and snickering away in EH. - Cindy


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