Provisioning for the first sail

 I am shocked by how well the stores are stocked here in Savusavu.  Well, the selection is limited if you want a certain brand.  They have all the Colgate toothpaste in the Southern Hemisphere but no Crest, for example.  And I don’t think the prices are that out of line.  The following cornucopia of fruity delights set us back maybe $10 US.  The fresh pineapple was $3 Fijian, which translates to $1.50 US.  Seems like a bargain to me.

That ugly thing in the lower left corner is Sauersop,  I had to buy it to try.  It’s like a cross between pear and mango with a tang.  Really good raw.  Michelle blended it for a drink.

Video of the fruit market on my Instagram:  Dave.Chesney.353


  1. I can only imagine the hilarity going on if your “sister” were with you in this fruit market!


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