Thanksgiving in Savusavu

Three-boat get-together scheduled for this afternoon.  Ian from Fandango is cooking a chicken, Michele is making mashed potatoes.  I bought wine.  Sea. Lovers has a Shiraz on sale for about $6.50 US.  Bought four.  Drank one last night,  Oh well…

Have to go back to Customs toady; Turns out they have lost all records of Joe’s boat.  (!!!). “Come in tomorrow and we’ll start the process over.”  Ok, Sparky.

More shopping yesterday.  The IGA is fully stocked; they have an army of help scurrying around mopping, arranging stuff.  Found the meat counter with a small selection of fresh meats.  Also the 20-foot freezer with frozen chicken,  Gonna be eating a lot of chicken, I suspect.

Speaking of eating, we ate at the Planter’s Club again.  This is what $4 US buys (Chicken stir-fry):

Couple that with quart cold beer for $4 US and you’ve got yourself a meal!

Strolled into the local pharmacy to get some medical tape for my foot.  (I opened a sore working the swim fin.). It’s like a Walgreens with shirts and sarongs.  Very well stocked.  They had so many types of tape we had to get the owner over to help me choose.  Picture worth a thousand words, as they say (this is not the tape aisle.)

Found a rather up-scale clothing store - Jack’s of Fiji.  Only got as far as the Fijian shirts.  They make them here on the island and they’re really nice.  Buying two today (about $26 US for the pair).  Hey, I want a nice shirt for thanksgiving!

Had my morning swim; sitting in the cockpit with a cup of coffee.  Gotta show y’all this catamaran on the next mooring.  It has two masts.  Never seen that.  Looking for an opportunity to dinghy over and talk to the Captain.  

And yes, I will get a good pic of Peregrine today and post it.  Also still working on cutting my iMovie down to Instagram size so you can see more of Nemena coral and reef life.  


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