We’re screwed now

So…first snorkel.  Joe brings out a full face mask rig that looks pretty cool.  It had a protective plastic on the faceplate; never been used.  I took it in the water and it fit great, didn’t leak.  Wow, pretty cool.  Came back up on deck and noticed the standard Go-Pro attachment built into the mask above the faceplate.  Now I’m really excited.  I can attach my underwater camera to the mask and don’t have to worry about pointing it.

Got the attachment screw with the molded-on turning grip (think of a plastic star glued to a machine screw) and attached the underwater camera case.  Cool!

In the water, fins on, heading for the reef.  The mask leaks.  Like Niagara.  WTF.  It didn’t leak before…what’s going on?  Took it off, checked the seal, did all those masky things I see Bill and the boys do on Isle Royale -  nothing.  Decided I needed to go back to the boat to figure out the issue.

Get back to the boat, take the mask off bobbing off the stern.  The first thing I see is the machine screw that is supposed to attached the camera housing to the mask is AWOL.  As in deep-sized.  As in Davy Jone’s locker along with Davy’s sweaty athletic supporter.  The only thing holding the camera to the mask at that point was friction.

Joe sensed something was wrong and had swum over.  I gingerly handed him the mask with the friction-fit camera housing and crawled up.  I retrieved the mask from him and chose a new mask and snorkel.

So bottom line, that’s the reason you aren’t seeing some amazing video of reef fish, blue starfish, stag coral, cavorting mermaids and pirate treasure chests today.  We think we fixed the leak and a new stainless steel 10-32 machine screw with Thread-Lok on the retaining nut will be ready next time.  Maybe today, maybe tomorrow. 

Oh, BTW, getting ready In the cockpit we saw something skip across the water for about two, maybe three boat lengths.  It was elongated and seemed to spend mote time in the air than the water.  And it was moving fast.  I asked Joe what it was.  He said “I’ve never seen that before.”  It was only a brief sighting, but to me it looked like the Alien.  If you don’t see another post from me, call Ripley.  


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