Full moon madness


The marina had a 'full moon' party last Friday night.  It's a potluck where all the cruisers and liveaboards  gather and, well, drink.  Nice gab fest.  Met the folks who run the animal clinic here in Savusavu.  Kind of a shoestring operation but been going for seven or eight years.  Jim and I made annoyances of ourselves proselytizing about thorium based nuclear reactors.  Now THERE'S a party conversation if there ever was one.

Brian brought out his electric keyboard a few hours in and people tried to do songs.  Trouble is Brian is pretty much deaf and is prone to these esoteric jazz riffs that no one can sing to.  Still, much enthusiasm.

I had finished my bottle of wine, gorged on food and *ice cream* and confessed to somebody that I knew a little guitar.  And Beverly the marina manager happened to have a guitar.  And you know what happened next...

So I wind up leading the crowd in singable songs like 'Sweet Caroline' and  'Margaritaville' and yelling out chord changes to Brian who filled.  I think we actually did pretty well.  Of course, alcohol was involved.  Got some nice complements as things wound down.  Of course, alcohol was again involved.  

Met Brian on Sunday at Planters; he said he's still hearing that 'damn Country Roads song' in his head.

And I have to learn 'Three Little Birds' for Beverly, cuz she wants to sing reggae.  Tried 'No Woman No Cry' but it was a bridge too far for her.  "What are these lyrics?" she cried!  "I just like the chorus."  So I made up a  verse for her on the spot about her marina.  It was a big hit.  Too bad I can't remember it.


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