So…this blog…

No, I’m not writing this to rub anyone’s face in the fact that while you’re knee-deep in snow I’m swimming in the South Pacific.  Honest.  This blog has two purposes:

  1. Let friends and family know I’m still alive and haven’t been eaten by sharks.  And what I’m up to.
  2. Provide an outlet for my creative energies.  There are only so many boat projects I can do, so writing seems to be the easy button. Yeah, it’s either this blog or writing screenplays for porn.  (Wait a minute - ‘Debbie Does Fiji’ does have a certain ring to it…)

So beware, Shirley will make her appearance at some point, as will my Zika-spreading talking mosquitoes Goose and Maverick.  I may even resurrect my lawyer from ‘Tales From ‘da Rails’.  No, it won’t make any sense, it’s not supposed to.  You can skip those posts and just roll your eyes.  Hey, they all laughed at David Balducci once, too.

Should anyone out there be left after the zombie apocalypse, you can reach me via the following:

Email:  Chezonboat

Fiji phone:  6797855298

Text has been tested with iMessage via Vicki and Ali.  I think the same number works with Messenger.  I think you have to type ‘011’ first - that’s the international prefix for texts.  Both iMessage and Messenger are free to Fiji.  Other texting is NOT.

I occasionally check my US email mainly just to delete stuff.  Facebook, too.

Did someone mention swimming?

Edit:  Corrected international prefix to 011.  Thanks, Vicki.


  1. Fiji prefix is 011, I believe, not 15.

  2. Yeah, you’re right. I need to edi.


    1. Don’t know it the above will open for you.

    2. If not you can copy and paste in safari. It will be worth it.


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