Sunday mornin’ comin’ down

One of my favorite Kristofferson songs.  No, I don’t have a hangover or a headache, I’m just using the title.

Sunday morning in Savusavu.  Calm, peaceful.  Half considered running down the creek with the dinghy but I didn’t want to disturb other boaters at 6 am.

Major project for the day:  The fender step.  I call it the “Freddie” step for yeah…Freddie Fender.  Remember him?  It’s an actual boat fender made into a step to ease getting on and off.  I’m not going to use it for the sailboat; I want it for the dinghy.

Joe can kick with his fins and slide right up onto the dinghy after snorkeling.  Michelle can do it with a little help.  I can’t do it at all.  Maybe with practice, but I want an easy way out.  (Emergency fall back is to use the transverse fin on the outboard’s lower unit for my foot and push up onto the sponson.) Enter the Freddie step.  The idea is for Freddie to float next to the dinghy at the right distance to allow me to put a foot on top and push myself onto the sponson.  Without tipping the dinghy.  Will update with the results of this experiment.  Maybe after righting the dinghy…


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