The new Steelaweigh?

 In the last post I casually mentioned Curly's boat.  Curly died, and one of the other cruisers here is in charge of his 'estate'.  Which includes,(and may be exclusive to) his boat.  Curly's mooring was one of the ones we checked Sunday, so I had a chance to inspect the boat up close and personal.  And the executor was in another dinghy so we had a chance to talk.

"So what do you think you can get for this hunk of junk?" I asked in my most innocent voice.  "I haven't heard your offer yet," was the response.  "Weill I'm not going to voice a number because it's likely you'll take it," says me, ever so mindful of the trap being set for the naive.  He kind of nodded his head and laughed.

So, friends, want to buy a boat in Fiji?  It floats, which is more than I can say for some units out here.  

C'mon, you know you want it...



  1. Any salvageable parts for the damaged ones here? Just remember that they’d have to be brought back in your checked luggage! 😆


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