Apeman resurrection

 5And lo, it was seen on the fourth day that the Apeman was yet to rise.  The people despaired and rent their clothes, keening with dismay at their misfortune.

6But one man, he of many talents and much perseverance, sought out the wise Google and posed thus the question to him:

7"Why is it that my stupid camera won't work, O sage?  Is it because I lack piety?  Is it because I am selfish and vain?  Do I not read directions?"

8And the Google answered, "Verily, thou art imperfect in many ways.  However, look not to your shortcomings but rather to the state of your microSD card."

9And the penitent man sought out a replacement microSD card and went to have a cold beverage while the rains pelted the roof above his head.

10And he saw that it was good - that the microSD card allowed access into the settings on the Apeman.  And a factory reset was performed with much reverence and solemnity.  And the people held their breath. 

11And lo!  The Apeman rose from the dead and began taking pictures again.  And the people cheered and celebrated with a sacrifice of bone soup and cassava.  And another beer.  And the feast was too plentiful to consume and all were happy.


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