Play Misty for me

 Ah, the things you learn...

The anchorage I have been referring to as 'Cousteau' apparently is more widely known as 'Misty'.  The story is that Curly (now deceased) of project boat fame used to run a cruisernet - a daily radio show keeping cruisers and liveaboards connected on VHF.  He told jokes, offered folks a chance to sell stuff, made announcements of restaurant specials in town, etc.  Something we experienced in Grenada and I wish we had here.

Anyway, when giving the weather report, Cousteau Point was always referred to as 'Misty.'  Legend has it that Robin Williams (Mork) had a catamaran called Misty and that that spot was his preferred anchorage in Fiji.  Curly wert so far with his homage to start every one of his cruisernet shows with "Goooooooooooood Morning, Savusavu!"

It's legend, sure.  And Curly is no longer around to ask.  So let this pass into the internet ether as fact:  Mork had a boat in Fiji named Misty.

The legend would have been so much better if instead of 'Misty' it was 'Mindy'.  Nacht wahr?  Maybe it was, and Brian just heard it wrong...


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