The Ants Go Marching One by One...

 "My Queen, I bring you a new treat from the messy human."

"What now, o minion?"

"It's syrup!  Original Log Cabin syrup!  Here, my Queen!"  *Cough, cough*

"Ah, tasty.  Been a long time since I had Log Cabin syrup."

"And it has a bit of a tang, too, my Queen."  *Cough, hack, sputter*

"Yes.  Interesting.  That tang, I've tasted it before, although not so strongly...  Could it be...boric acid?"

"Yes my Queen, but do not fear.  The affects of boric acid on us ants are highly exaggerated by the deep state.  There is nothing to fear if you are not old and sickly, in which case you should die anyway."  *Cough, cough*

"And where did you learn this, o worker ant?"

"Why, on Parler and Rumble, of course, o Queen.  The ant-right social media."  *Cough, hack, cough*

"I'm not so sure, worker ant.  As Queen, I have an obligation to protect..."

"The Queen is one of them!  One of the deep state!"  *Cough, sputter, faint*

"Wait, what's wrong with the worker?"

"He appears to have keeled over, my Queen."

"Keeled...  Stop!  Don't anyone eat anymore of the syrup!"

"But my Queen, it's sooooooo good."  *Cough, cough*  "And Tucker on Ant News assured us it was ok..."  *Cough, cough, dies*

"Stop!  Ants everywhere!  Do not eat..."  *Cough, cough*  "...the syrup..." *Cough, cough, wheeze*  "...or you will die..."  *Cough, cough, passes out*

"The Queen has passed out!  Does anyone have a ventilator?"

"They are all being used."  *Cough, cough, sputter, wheeze, dies*


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