The Apeman goith

 The Iceman cometh?  No Eugene O'Neill fans out there?

Note to self:  Next time buy the GoPro.  My little Apeman sports camera, the one that has taken all those neat underwater pics and videos, not to mention the up the mast trip, has bit the dust.  It is no longer taking commands from its owner, going off on its own to take video of the table top, among other things.  I can barely get it to shut off.  No access to Settings, no access to Wifi, no access to look at the already stored media.  Yougetwhatyoupayfor.  $40 at WalMart.

But the really annoying part is the complete non-response from the Apeman company.  I sent two email missives to two separate 'Contact Us' addresses and got zero responses.  A google search turns up nothing on troubleshooting, either.  I even tried the old wet cell phone trick of putting the camera in a baggie with rice and leaving it in the freezer for a couple of days.  Nada.

So, there will be no video record of the big shark that ate my foot when it happens.  Or the video interview with Shirley and the Fiji national rugby team.  (They lost because they were exhausted.)

So, R.I.P., Apeman.  We hardly knew ye.


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