Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddd...he's safe at home!

You ever have that experience of showing up in a city you've never been to, tired and exhausted you drag yourself out of the cab and stagger to the front desk to ask 'Do you have a room?'  And you're so grateful that you don't even care what the cost is - you don't even ask - you just take the room key, thank the clerk and ask which way to the elevator?  Have you ever felt like that, Sparky?  Well, have 'ya?

Vudu Point Marina had openings in their inner harbor.  Peregrine is tied with two bow lines and two stern lines.  As Bill would say, I cheated death once again.

As I would say:  Always trust your cape.

Pics, etc. tomorrow.  Right now I'm decompressing.


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