"I can't do that, Dave"


 Ok, I have learned my lesson.  Seriously.  I pledge on a stack of Analytical Chemistry issues that I will quit trying to be cheap in my purchases.  I had the option of buying the GoPro, I could have bought the slightly lesser quality (see? backsliding already!) competitor that was still waterproof in the rain.  But no!  No, I chose to buy the cheapest shiny offering from Wal-Mart for a great price that worked fine until I LEFT IT OUT IN THE RAIN LAST WEEK.  

Yes, the Apeman, of mast-climbing fame, got a pretty good soaking.  I realized my error when I emerged for my morning swim and saw it sitting there happily taking a bath on the glasses rack by the wheel.  What did I say?  All together now:  Oh SH*T!  There goes my dream of taking video of the shark eating my leg.

So into the bag of rice it went.  Into the freezer.  Three days.  Three days, man!  I brought it out, warmed it gently to room temp (in the bag to prevent additional condensation) and finally back into the world where I eagerly inserted a freshly charged battery.  It turned on!  It showed pictures!  Then it went blahhhhhhhpoop.  Tried again.  A little more progress.  Then...blahhhhhhhhpoop.

So, trying more things to revive the Apeman.  I'm calling him 'Tarzan' for obvious reasons.  There appears to be condensation under the lens, as the image is really fuzzy.  But the electronics seem to work.  Anticipating a series of treatments, including sun basking, heat gun heating, ivermectin, and if all comes to naught: hydroxychloroquine.  

So in lieu of my original video of sharks, try this one on for size:



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