Judy, Judy, Judy

 TIL Cary Grant never actually said that.  Another legend dies because of the interwebs...

The weather 'system' off to our west is officially now Cyclone Judy.  The good news is it's predicted to pass to our south.  Still, we're supposed to get 55 kph winds.  Think I'll take the foresail off the roller furler this morning.  Don't want to get caught sleeping if Judy takes a sharp hook to the left.

Poor Vanuatu.  They have been hit with a series of storm systems in the past week.  Now Judy is poised for a direct hit.

So glad I'm at Vudu Point.  Two stern lines to a central mooring point, two bow lines to rings embedded in the concrete wall.  If they have to turn me bow out (standard practice around here for cyclones) I have 200 feet of double braid 5/8 inch line on my stern cleats.  I have enough line to run up the sides of the boat and use the other end for the bow lines.  These are the lines that took us through the Panama Canal locks.  Think they're strong enough.

I'm the white dot at three o'clock.  The comma shape near the center is New Caladonia.


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