Pics - we got pics

 Hadn't had time to post pics of the trip, so this is the first of a series of posts.  No sharks - sorry.

Nasavu, morning of the second day.  I had almost bailed on the trip that morning.  I found my six foot USB cable had given up the ghost the night before.  After going through the passage the day before, I realized how essential it was to have Navionics at the helm.  Without that cable I was down to a single USB cable for the iPad.  Tim generously gave me a spare one of his.  Glad I decided to keep going.

Nasavu was a village that I wanted to do sevusevu at.  We had a long day ahead of us and Tim was pretty insistent about getting an early start, so I bailed on sevusevu.  The following pics are as we left in the morning.

Nice anchorage.  Exposed to the east, but what the heck,,,

Burasari - Tim and Van's sailboat.  My buddy boat.  I owe them so much...


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