"Spread your arms, hold your breath..."

 "...and always trust your cape."  That's a quote from a Guy Clark song about a kid who's not too bright and thinks he can fly like Superman.  Off the barn roof.  Just because other people claim it can't be done is no reason not to try.  That quote was ringing in my ears the past few days.

"So we're heading to Vuda Point in a few days, put the boat there for a few months while we travel," Tim says to me at Planters last Sunday.  "It would be a great trip for you to buddy boat down with us."  Hmmmm.  Vuda Point is on the other island, about 150 miles away.  A multi-day trip.   Hmmmm.   Always trust your cape.

So we left Savusavu Wednesday morning.  No sailing wind to speak of, so motoring most of the day.

The Nasonisoni Passage was interesting; ugly reefs visible either side of the boat.  I followed Tim through and had Navionics on the iPad in front of me.  Still...

Ian had marked an anchorage for Tim on his chart.  (See dipsy-do, above)  We slid in there and it ws not good.  Hard, rocky bottom.  More exposed than we liked.  And I hit the rocks trying to get to shallower water.  Yes, I am no longer a reef virgin.  I need a tee shirt.   We had a few hours of light left so we went across the bay to a nice anchorage recommended by other cruisers on our charts, Nasavu.  There was a village there, and I was eager to sevusevu, but the rains hit while I was over on Tim and Van's boat having dinner.  And Tim wanted to get going in the morning, so that ended sevusevu plans.  I hope the villagers will forgive us.

Horrible night of rain; so glad we left the rocky anchorage.  (Let's just call it Dave's Reef from now on, k?)  

Left by seven am.  Mixed conditions re wind.  Motored for the first few hours, then the winds picked up a bit.  I was doing seven knots in the middle.  Lots of reef to avoid.

  The big picture.

And this place!  With the high tides, all the green and blue was underwater.  No markers. Very disconcerting.  It felt like you were still out in the deep water. Followed Navionics and moved ahead *very* slowly.

Anchored at Volivoli Point.  There is a beach resort here.  We went ashore and had beers.  I tried kava - did nothing for me.  

Off to Vuda Point today!


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