Super Super Bowl

 Ok, this was a game for the ages.  And the replay booth.  I think we saw every possible aspect of the game with the exception of the drop kick (hats off to Doug Flutie) which made it fun to try and explain to all the Aussies present.  Man, a two-point conversion to tie the game with minutes left?  It doesn't get any better than that.  Who cares who won?  

And we were watching the Australian feed of ESPN which American commercials.  Yeah, those little tidbits sandwiched between the snaps that can make you laugh or cry and presumably buy.  No we got...Australian commercials.  Included was one of the most cartoonish commercials I have ever seen with a badly drawn cartoon family playing cricket.  It was supposed to be for some broadband provider, but I never made the connection between the cartoon characters and the internet.  And also included (and shown at least twice) was this horrible commercial from the Australian equivalent of the Highway Patrol following this cop through his day as he tries fruitlessly to get people to slow down when driving.  It ends with him coming up to a car that has its whole front smashed in after a collision.  The girl dead behind the wheel was one of his first stops that day.  I don't look away often.  I did this time.  Yeah, imagine that sandwiched that between Doritos and TurboTax commercials for an American audience.  "Honey, come look at this funny commercial for Dorit...oh my god..."

OTOH, who in the f*** is this Rhianna woman who was the halftime entertainment because presumably everybody else in the world backed out?  These were her hits?  People listen to this shit?  (Don't hold back, Dave - tell us how you really feel).  I'd heard the name before; figured I'd never have to be subjected to the torture that is listening to her wail about indecipherable whatever.  I was rooting for one of those long hooks they used to have in vaudeville that were used to pull entertainers off the stage who had lost favor with the audience and didn't know it.  Prince, Gaga, the Stones, even ZZ Top were memorable.  There was a young lady sitting next to me at Copra Shed saying "I just love her music."  I stopped myself from asking "This is music?"  The only thing that saved the halftime show for me was the excellent plate of Chicken Chow Mein that I was wolfing down.

Don't quit your day job, Rhianna, whatever that is.


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