The Tide Is High

 ...and I'm holding on...

You remember the song.  1980.  Blondie.  But did you know that it was originally done by a Jamaican group in 1967?  No?  Well,  you culturally illiterate bastard.  White privilege shows its ugly side...

Ok, second chance:  Sloop John B.  The Beach Boys, amiright?  Yes of course but where did Al Jardine get the inspiration to bring it to Brian Wilson?  You guessed it, Sparky - Jamaica.

Last chance:  The Isrealites.  Desmond Dekker and the Aces.  1968.  Rasta, mon.  If you have never heard this song, google the YouTube version right now.  Play it loud, for god's sake.  And yes, I have the original 45 rpm single in the attic.

So why am I haranguing you with Jamaican reggae trivia?  Circle back to the title of this post...holy moly was the tide high last night!  As in the locals have never seen it this high.   And no, it wasn't the beers consumed at the Planter's Club that swayed my evaluation.  It really was that high.  And all kinds of stuff came floating out into the water that had been up on shore.  Our mooring looked like a garbage dump.

And then came this morning.  I walked out (ok, staggered out) on the deck to this:

This is the *lowest* tide I've seen since I've been here.  That mud flat is maybe two boat lengths away. WTF, Fiji?  Is the moon out of orbit?  Hunter Biden's laptop?  Rhianna lip-syncing at the Super Bowl? Currently waiting for next high tide...


  1. How about Sloop John B. By the Kingston Trio?

    1. Thanks for the music references. I always admired your musical knowledge and enjoyed these few clips.


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