Dave's Travel Guide to Fiji, Part 1


Stuff I found essential:

  1. USB cables.  Holy wah!  I brought a charging cable for every device I brought.  I used 'em all.  The most useful was the 6' Lightning cable for my iPad.  I had a four foot one too, but the six footer allowed me to have the iPad at the helm with a connection into the cabin.  So of course the six footer bought the farm one day into the trip down to Vuda Marina.  I almost turned back, thinking if the other one went, I would be totally without navigational aids once the batteries went dead.  Luckily Tim had an extra and gave it to me.  And the rest, as they say, is history.
  2. Sunglasses.  Despite the outer protective layer peeling away, my Toreges were always on my head.  Good polarized sunglasses are a must down here to see the reefs and bommies.
  3. iPhone.  Backup navigation, cellular link to the world.  Next time, I'm bringing two.  And setting up two accounts, since they're dirt cheap.  With only a single phone, I was leery of taking it into town.  I'l likely leave it on a counter somewhere and then I'd be without my link to the outside world.  Next time I'll bring the old iPhone 6 and use it for pictures and calling taxis in town.  If I lose it, it's not the end of the world.

Stuff that was totally useless:

  1. Ball caps.  I love ball caps.  I'm never without one.  Except here.  The natives frown on westerners wearing head covering of any kind inside shops.  I knew that was the case for villages, but shops?  Really?  Ball caps never left the boat.  Ditto for my stylin' Panama hat.
  2. LifeStraw water bottle.  I never did any hikes into the hinterlands, so the bottle never got its workout.  Had I done so, it would be moved into the 'Essential' category.

Glad I brought 'em:

  1. The InReach.  Eric pushed me to take his and I'm glad I did.  It didn't get a lot of use going from anchorage to anchorage, but it has that SOS feature that sure is comforting.  I've talked to a lot of cruisers who brag about their integrated satellite systems that will summon help in an emergency.  Then I say, "I have an InReach."  Ooooo.  "For about a tenth of the cost of your system."  Oooooo.  "And it does weather."  Faceplant.
  2. The Apeman.  The little camera that could, then couldn't, then could again until I drowned it.  But I'm hooked on the concept.  Next time it's a waterproof camera.
  3. Reef shoes.  A category, not the brand.  These are flexible rubber shoes that you wear if you are foolish enough to walk on coral.  They also work well to protect your feet from blisters while wearing swim fins.  Ask me how I know.
  4. Good flip flops.  Bought mine in Florida.  Thought the price outrageous.  No more.  Very comfy with arch support.  Now I did have some issues with them coming apart.  RTV silicone fixed the problems.  Better living through chemistry, baby!
  5. Board shorts.  I've been living in the same three pair of board shorts for four months.  Yes, I wash them.  Occasionally.  
  6. Bluetooth headphones.  Essential for Netflix.  Also good for loud rock and roll exceptIforgottoputExileonMainStreetonmyiTunes!!!!!!


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