Isle Royale

 Hey, I'll bet that post title got your attention, right?  I was about to close up shop here, typing in the cockpit of a sailboat in Fiji when I got the inspiration to compare and contrast the two environs, both of which I now have some experience with.  

So I'm sitting in the cockpit (did I mention this already?) watching the sunset.  Palm trees are literally swaying in the breeze, silhouetted against the purple sky.  There's a cloud bank closing in from the northwest - probably means a light shower later.  But here's the thing - I'm sitting here shirtless and there are no bugs.  None.  Temperatures are very pleasant and will be all night - the daytime/nighttime temp differential in Fiji is maybe a few degrees.  

Isle Royale has its charms and unique features.  But you do have to cover up often because of the bugs, and it does get cold at night.  We use sleeping bags each trip.  

On Isle Royale you can have a campfire.  Try that in Fiji.  Hah!  

In Fiji the people all greet your with a healthy 'Bula!'.  Often 'Bula, bula!'  On IR, the campers greet you with 'Can you shut off your polluting and noisy engine because it's ruining our wilderness experience?  Not to mention your excessive carbon footprint."

Fiji:  wet suits for protection from coral and jellyfish.

IR:  dry suits so you don't die.

Fii:  Swim every day.

IR:  Die of hypothermia

Fiji:  Some reef fish have ciguatera.  Most fish are reef fish.  Ergo, you pays you money, you takes you chances.

IR:  Eat any fish you want.  You do have to catch them first.  Bill.

Fiji:  extremely cruiser-friendly

IR:  suspicious of all boaters

Fiji:  no wreck diving

IR:  great wreck diving, albeit cold with extremely limited bottom times

Fiji has cell phone access almost everywhere.

IR:  Hello, Rogers of Canada wants to charge you for access

Fiji: feral dogs everywhere

IR:  moose

In conclusion (Yes, Virginia, there is a conclusion), different worlds.  Both unique.   Can't compare apples and oranges.  Almost out of gin...


  1. Nice insightful post. Also, IMHO, the fish on IR are better eating.

  2. Averse to eye bleachMarch 8, 2023 at 2:20 PM

    No senior citizens in speedos on IR

  3. D. Tallman here. Been following your blog, Chez. Sorry the trip is coming to an end. I’ll miss reading about it. Safe travels home.


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