The Tide Is High...

 ...and I have to board my boat  The guys in the guard shack adjacent to my spot are looking at me and wondering if they'll have to perform a sea rescue.  Undeterred, I manage to hook a foot over the gunwale and grab the roller furling with one hand.  I'm not a good judge of distance, but as can clearly be seen from the attached photo this was a stretch of at least six feet.  Maybe seven.  I hate high tide.

But I made it.  The guys in the guard shack hollered at me.  "How old are you?"  "Seventy," I replied honestly.  "You're strong!" they hollered back.  I didn't mention the fact that I was coming back from Margarita Monday after two helpings of Vuda Marine's finest.  And strongest.  

So yeah, I'm sitting here in complete dismay.  I had my hopes set on an evening with 'Exile on Main Street' which is not only one of my favorite albums but possibly THE best album of all time, thank you very much.  I was already humming 'Tumbling Dice' as I cued up the find...there was no trace of Exile on my phone.  WTHFF?  No 'Rocks off', no 'Sweet Virginia', no 'Tumbling Dice'.  I may declare war on a third world nation just for the hell of it.  How did I possibly leave Exile off my iTunes update when I prepped for this trip?    It's like depriving an astronaut of oxygen.  I have the Dead's 'Live Europe '72' ' on at high volume, but it just isn't the same.   I need my Mick Taylor fix!  My Nicky Hopkins fix!  I need ''Sweet Black Angel',  goddammit!  Leonard, help!


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