
 Poor Vanautu, two cyclones and now an earthquake.

Sitting here snug in the cabin, waiting for the spaghetti to boil.  Overhead hatch leaks - WTF/  Jimmy Buffet's A1A blaring on the stereo.  The bands of squalls spun off of Kevin (now a Cat 5!) are coming about every hour.  Very few people at the marina bar tonight.  One guy was trying to tell me there's a guy named 'Dutchsinse' who can predict earthquakes with great accuracy.  Of course I had to look this up.  Turns out the guy also believes in Pizzagate, FFS.  And his 'predictions' have been shown to be no better than random guesses.  Doesn't stop the vast minions of inbred uneducated people who never passed seventh grade math from hailing him as a scientist.  What a world we live in.


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