Goose and Maverick, redux

 "He's back."

"Goose, we've been all over the world for ten years now spreading the Zika virus.  We've encountered thousands of people.  Do you suppose you can be a little more specific?"

"Ok, Maverick, ok.  The big guy is back."

"Joe Biden is in Fiji?"

"No.  Our big guy.  The one who brought Shirley to Panama.  The one in whose mind we live lives of vicarious existence."

"Oh.  Him.  Did he remember everything this time?"

"Seems so.  Haven't heard any swearing from the boat yet.  Some loud music playing.  Tumbling Dice or something..."

"Well that's good news.  Hey, have you tried the Mai-Tais here?  They're pretty good."

"Mav, it's ten o'clock in the morning..."

"Hey, I'm a mosquito on vacation, what can I say?"  

"Hey Maverick?"

"Yeah, Goose?"

"Doesn't it ever bother you that we've lived over ten years, drink umbrella drinks and lounge in chairs at the beach?  Doesn't that seem just a little weird?  I mean, we're mosquitoes, for crying out loud."

"Wouldn't change a thing, Goose.  Hey check out the thread bikini on that Anopheles over there."

"Mav, we're Aedes Aegyptis, you know that."

"What are you, prejudiced or something?  Hey, did you hear we have a newly discovered cryptofauna cousin?"


"Yeah.  They hail from Florida.  Name's Gnathia jimmybuffetti."

"You're joking, right?"

"I never joke about Margaritaville, Goose.  Now relax and take a load off.  We're here for a few months, at least.  Oooo - look at that threadkini..."


  1. The big guy? 5' 9" tops, size 9 shoe? What dimension is being referenced?


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