
 "Captain!  Captain!  Peregrine!"

Oh, f***, here we go again.  I have had to untie and retie my stern lines a half-dozen times the past few days.  Apparently the slip next to me is the 'transient' slip so every time a boat comes in or out I have to be jostled from whatever somnambulant ennui I am presently in to a semblance of activity.  The current occupant is 'Timy' from Slovenia.  They had rudder problems and came in for repairs.  The problem for them is the promised help did not show up last night and now they have a deadline of 3 pm to leave Fiji courtesy of Fiji Customs.  So off they go on a test cruise to evaluate the fix.  And when they come back in I'll have to mess with my stern lines again.

Timy is on a two-year expedition around the globe.  You can follow their journey on YouTube.  Search 'Sailing Timy' and they pop right up.  Of course you can't understand a word they say because it's all in Slovenian.  The production values are top-rate, though and just the video is worth the effort.

Sure enough, Timy was booted from the marina late in the afternoon into a strong southwesterly wind.  I commented that Customs should allow for mechanical problems.  The female half of the Timy crew shrugged as if to say "It is what it is."  I wish them the best of luck.  They are clearly experienced sailors but they are working with a rudder fix of unknown quality.  

I had offered them cheap gin and quality tonic.  After some puzzled looks they seemed ready to take me up on it.  Too bad Fiji Customs intervened - I could have been on YouTube.


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