Mosquito repellant

 "Maverick!  It's here!  The bane of our existence!"

"Calm down, Goose.  What's here?"

"His guitar!  OMG, we're all going to die!"

"C'mon, Goose, he's not all that bad."

"Yeah, kind of like a bastardized amalgamation of Jimi, SRV and Lightfoot.  Played backwards."

"Goose, we can always go to another marina..."

"But I like it here.  And you like the Mai-Tais and the lovely Anopheles..."

"Yeah, they're everywhere, Goose.  Maybe he'll have pity on the marina folk and not play where he can be heard."

"Yeah, Maverick.  That's a plan.  We can recruit swarms of Aedes to drive him below.  Maybe that'll muffle the sound enough for us to survive."

"Or maybe the marina folk will figure out that what he calls 'music' will keep us mosquitoes away.  Hmmm?  Haven't thought about that, have you?"

"Well I won't tell them if you don't, Maverick."

"You have my word, Goose.  Now let me get back to my Mai-Tai."


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