Escape from Fawn Harbor

Stardate September30, 2023

 Got a weather update from Nick’s satellite link.  (No internet in FH.). Apparently today will be the best day weather-wise for the rest of the week.  Since neither of us fancies sitting a week in FH, we decided to try run the gauntlet again.

We waited until noon, as the winds were supposed to die down during the day.  Rounding the reef we could see the breakers on the reef but it did seem less intense than yesterday.  The plan was to barrel through the narrows and get as far as possible straight out from the entrance and get out of the rollers.

It was less intense than yesterday.  At least we weren’t sitting on top of waves with no steerage staring at a reef fifty years away.  We managed to claw our way out a mile or so and the rollers did subside.

Turning east up the coast I had just enough of an angle to catch the wind with my sail.  I didn’t dare leave the cockpit to raise the main, so I unfurled the jib about half-way.  It was luffing a fair part of the time, but when it caught I had power.  With no main up, I was getting headed something fierce, but what can you do?  I was motorsailing at about 5 knots.

Big waves to plow through.  Took a lot of spray in the cockpit.  Didn’t feel like the autopilot could handle it, so I helmed for the first hour or so.  Then the waves settled down and I could use Otto.  Nick said the winds were 25-30 knots.  Again, I was close-hauled, pointing into the wind.  Once we were able to veer off a few points to port the sail really caught the wind. At one point I was doing 8.5 miles per hour!

Reached the south channel through Rainbow Reef.  Nick took it right down the middle.  I was trying to get farther to port, closer to the reef, where the chart said to go.  Ended up going over a flats area to Nick’s port side.  Hit 28 feet at one point in rough water.  But we made it into Viani Bay, and what a welcome sight it was.

Anchored in what appeared to be sand.  (Spoiler:  It wasn’t). Dropped the dinghy in and headed for the Dive Academy for beer on their porch.  Met the woman, Marina, who runs the place.  We’re there for dinner tomorrow night.  $70 FJD for a three-course dinner (fish and barbecue).  We figured we owe it to ourselves for the last couple of days.


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