Viani Bay

Viani Bay - Home to the Rainbow Reef.  Maybe tomorrow...  Nick heard there were trails up the hills.  I keep telling him if I die from a heart attack he has to take care of my body.

Woke up to blue sky!  That was not in the forecast.  We're supposed to have crap weather for the next week. here we are an hour later and the crap weather has arrived right on schedule.  Overcast with threat of rain.  This is *supposed* to be the dry season.  At least the 40 knot winds predicted haven't yet arrived.

It is impossible to appreciate the beauty of Viani Bay from pictures.  Despite this, I'll try.

Right off my boat

Look!  Cell towers!

Across the bay.  We should go anchor here.  These headlands would protect us from the SE winds predicted better than where we are.


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