He's baaaaaaack!

 "Zika one, Zika one, Zika two."

"Zika one here.  What's up, Goose?"

"Maverick - he's back."

"Goose, we've been in Fiji now for a couple of years, infected hundreds of people, met all kinds of insect relatives...can you be more specific?"

"The sailor guy - you know,  his friend was the purple mohawk-haired woman?"

"Oh him.  I sort of thought he was gone for good."

"Nope, he's back, Maverick.  Sitting on that same sailboat in Savusavu."

"Well, I wonder where he's going to go from there.  Savusavu's nice, but once you walk around a few times you've seen it all."

"I'll bet he goes out to the Lau islands."

"Well, Goose, that's someplace we haven't been either.  That's a long distance for us to fly with our limited supply of ATP."

"Maverick, what's ATP."

"Goose - Google is your friend.  Actually you could ask Claude from Anthropic."

"Who's Claude, Mav?"

"Claude is AI, Goose.  Ya gotta keep up here."

"Sorry, Mav.  That's why I fly shotgun - you got all the brains. Hey, whatever happened to that purple-haired woman anyway, what was her name?"

"Shirley.  Word has it among the Arthropods that once she ruined the Fijian rugby team in the World Cup she got expelled to Vanuatu.  I expect that she will have exhausted their resources, so to speak, by now so who knows where she is."

"We should look her up.  I kind of liked living in her hair."

"It was colorful, no question."

"Say, Mav, does it ever bother you that we as mosquitoes have been around for years, can talk and even use Google?"

"Can't say that it has, Goose.  I think you're over-thinking your place in the universe."

"Yeah, possibly.  What's on tap for today?"

"Well, I think we should go visit our sailor friend up in Savusavu, maybe hitch a ride on his boat for a few months."

"Months?  You think he'll be here that long?"

"Ach, who knows?  We'll find out.  Maverick to tower, Maverick to tower.  Requesting clearance for takeoff."

(Tower)  "Maverick, you're a fucking mosquito.  You don't need clearance to take off."

"Well, then why do you exist, tower control?"

"It's a government job.  Have fun in Savusavu.  Tower out."


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