Emergency! Well, maybe crisis? Well, maybe we're addicts?

Brian's out of cigarettes; I'm out of beer.  We need to get to town.  It's raining.  Been raining all day, FFS.  Brian says he doesn't care if he gets wet.  Well, I do.  I told him if it cleared up in an hour I'd drive - my dinghy is much faster than his.  Have to adjust the carb yet again, though.  The idle is now set too low (below John Deere speed).  One of these days I'll get it right.

Made Canned Mackerel Pasta last night.  Had a can of mackerel left over from last trip and the rest of the ingredients, more or less.  It was actually quite tasty.  Used way too much pasta, tho.  Followed the recipe, too.  Now I have meals for three days.

Brian's fridge is still leaking freon so he's got my little 12V fridge on his boat.  My fridge is running like a champ.

Next big task is the oil change on the engine.  Never having had a diesel, I'm perusing the Owner's Manual that Joe thoughtfully left on board.  Will have to get a local oil filter.  I hope I can find someplace that can cross-reference filters.  Changing the oil involves emptying the port lazarette completely, which is quite a job.  Then I have to shoehorn my body down in there to swap out the filter and add the oil.  Thankfully there's a sump pump in the front that removes the old oil.  

There is a lightening of the sky...the rain has ceased? slackened? stopped temporarily?  Time for the beer run.


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