Foodie paradise?
Met the new chef yesterday. I was walking by and they were testing pizza recipes from the new oven. Apparently they have given up on the wood-fired oven (good thing). The two types I tried were damn tasty, if I say so myself. They laughed when I mentioned the burnt crusts that I had back in October.
Jeff the chef told me the marketing plan for Nawi. They are going to eschew (see what I did there?) most Fijian food for more upscale fare aimed at the boating crowd. The Mexican restaurant is up and operational and the Italian restaurant is due to open this coming Monday. I told him about making chicken tortellini for Mitch and Marisa and he asked "Did you make the tortellini yourself?" I laughed and confessed to using frozen. He said, "Otherwise I'd put you in the kitchen." Thanks, but I have enough on my hands giving out eyeglasses.
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